As Reveille sounded over Arlington National Cemetery, the silhouette of an enormous bird of prey appeared against the rising sun. As the giant owl buzzed the gate of Arlington Cemetery, sentinels fired at it, but their bullets proved ineffective. A jogger who observed the confrontation reported, 'Our guys lobbed enough lead at that thing to bring it down several times over, but it was like the bullets had no effect on it.' The owl did not attack the cemetery or anybody in the vacinity, however; it is unknown whether being fired at was a deterrent, or if the owl simply had other plans. Authorities reported no casualties.
The jogger said, 'I wouldn't be surprised if that owl didn't come back, though. I saw its eyes before it flew away, and I'll tell you what I saw there. Hatred. Pure unadulterated hatred. And evil.'
The grizzly-bear-sized owl was then observed flying east along the Potomac River, in the direction of the Chesapeake Bay.
As millions of vehicles streamed across the William Preston Lane, Jr. Memorial Bridge (informally known as the Bay Bridge) near Annapolis, Maryland, the grizzly-bear-sized owl was spotted perching on the westbound span, observing the cars as they rolled towards the popular beach resorts on Maryland's eastern shore and Delaware. Eyewitnesses boating on the Chesapeake Bay reported seeing the owl swoop down and seize cars, shaking the vacationers out of the vehicles as though they were salt granules in a salt shaker. He apparently then devoured some people in mid-air, and then went back to pick remaining survivors off the bridge.
Local news stations scrambled to get footage of the grizzly-bear-sized owl in action. One intrepid team captured a scene of the owl ripping the top off a Tyson foods delivery truck, which was packed with tons of poultry products intended for local supermarkets. Unphased at the thought of eating other birds, the owl devoured the entire contents of the truck, before flinging the empty shell of the truck at the news chopper.
After destroying approximately six million vehicles and causing traffic delays that lasted well into Wednesday 27 May, the owl flew west along Interstate 80. As countless vacationers sat in bumper-to-bumper traffic along Interstate 80 heading from the Bonneville Salt Flats towards the Wasatch Mountains, the owl landed and proceeded to stomp on cars, fling them around, and devour the occupants. After puncturing the gas tanks of several cars which were flung into forests next to the road, the owl started a wildfire that continues to blaze out of control, and which has consumed approximately 2 billion acres of forest in Utah, Wyoming, and Kentucky. Amidst billowing smoke and flames that eyewitnesses described as 'hellish', the owl continued west along Interstate 80.
As Memorial Day dawned bright and foggy over San Francisco, tens of millions of people went about their holiday plans. The Golden Gate Bridge was already jammed with travellers getting an early start on their day. In a devastating early morning attack, however, the grizzly-bear-sized snowy owl appeared through the mist and, an a scene all to familiar, began destroying vehicles and devouring their inhabitants, sometimes spitting them out into the San Francisco Bay.
A member of the Golden Gate Bridge's board of directors said, "What's especially sad is that we recently approved funding to build a suicide barrier along the bridge. We wanted to save all those lives. Now what do we do? Put surface-to-air missiles on the towers? Like that is going to go over well with the voters here."
Berkeley resident 'John Doh' said, 'I can't believe nobody is concerned about the environmental implications of this attack. Today is Memorial Day -- the first day of Summer, culturally speaking. What the [expletive] is a snowy owl doing all the way down in San Francisco on Memorial Day? Shouldn't they be in the Arctic?'
A vacationing couple dressed in homespun hemp clothing agreed with Mr. Doh. The woman, a vaguely masculine looking man with heavy fuzzy-bear-caterpillar eyebrows and a sketchbook containing art that resembled the work of a spastic individual who had recently lost their dominant hand, said, 'I for one am glad to see that nature is fighting the industrial-capitalist complex that is posisoning the earth. I've always believed that nature can bend itself to make a political point, and this will show those [expletives] who say my pre-post-apocalyptic comic is crap.' The man, a shaggy-haired, unshaven individual, said, 'This proves that human civilization is unsustainable. Do you really think we'd have snowy owls coming to San Francisco if civilization wasn't actively killing and raping our planet? How stupid do you have to be to realize this is a sign from the land for us to rise up and smash the capitalist authorities?'
The man was interrupted when the grizzly-bear sized owl proceded to fly overhead and drop a Prius on top of him and his companion. Holiding the vehicle in its talons, the owl continued to smash the Prius on the two people until they were nothing but a vague reddish smear on the pavement.